If you love budget friendly DIYs, strong hints of sarcasm and absolutely no recipes, you’re in the right place!
Living Letter Home was birthed by accident, but has been operating on purpose for a while now. We’ve actually been through one rebranding in our short time on the internet, but it was very intentional. You can read all about it here if you’d like.
Over time, we realized that our goal was probably similar to many of yours –
You have Restoration Hardware taste on a Dollar General budget. Trust me. I get it. In fact, my husband actually worked at RH and we still couldn’t afford it. So, as we were making over our home on a Dollar General budget I decided to share it with the world!

The short story….

Jordan (him, the husband): Tall, beard-y, handy. He does all the math.
Carmen (me, the wife): Regular height, wife, mama, content writer here.
Charlotte (her, the daughter): Full of life, joy, and sass.
Josiah (him, the son): He’s got the brute strength of a grown man trapped in a tiny boy body.
Collins (her, the youngest): She’s our newest member and man, she’s a buncha joy squoze up in a tiny body.
Rock Hill (it, the city): Hometown for my husband. New city for the rest of us, but we LOVE it here. It’s a small town feel just south of Charlotte, NC so we have everything we could want in a 20 minute radius without the traffic! Hooray!
The novel…
Well, first of all I want to welcome you here! I can’t promise you’ll like me, but dang it, I’m gonna try my hardest.
I thought it might be better for you to understand where I’m coming from so that you can understand and feel empowered that you absolutely can do this thang.

I came into the world to an absent father and a mom who got out of jail long enough to have me and then go right back. I was raised a verbally abusive, emotionally absent grandmother until I was 16 when she decided to relinquish custody and I entered the foster care system.
At 18, I officially got out of the system, but had zero family. I mean none.
Took me 7 years to get a 4 year degree in Criminal Justice (which, in case you’re wondering, I’ve literally never used. I’m terrified of guns, so there’s that).

Fast forward a lot of dark, hard years and then magically, I got married. Ha. Not magic. That was a hard weird road too.
Listen, this is a major cliff notes version and the ages of 18-25 were full of fun times, bad decisions, accumulation of debt and more bad decisions. Also, I made some poor decisions.
I’m not trying to throw shade at myself; I’m more so trying to let you know that the internet doesn’t care what you did in your teenage or college years. The internet doesn’t care if you have a degree. If you have the, ahem, testicular fortitude (that’s fancy talk for BALLS, guys. BALLS) to put in the hard work and sweat equity, you really can have a gorgeous, inviting home where many memories can and will be made.
And this site exists to show you how. I would love for you to sign up for our newsletter because I actually share a lot more with that fam. You know how you tell your sister more than you tell your cousin? That kinda thing.