A New Start – Living Letter Home
“You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
2 Corinthians 3:2-3
When I first heard this verse several months back, three words popped into my head –
Living Letter Home.
I had no idea what it meant, where it came from, or what to do with it, but I kept it tucked in my back pocket.
I pondered what it could mean and why out of nowhere I had this idea and it had no legs to stand on and I wasn’t even sure what to do with it, if anything.
Then my husband, out of nowhere, asked if I ever thought my blog name would stay Gross To Grandiose forever. What seemed like a simple and random question from him, connected the dots that I had been trying to process for months.
And my answer was no.
Truthfully, I hadn’t felt too connected to our blog name for a long time. Why you ask? Well, because this blog was birthed out of a series of accidents and my husband is a sucker for a good pun and play on words and so I asked him if I started a blog what I should call it and that was one of the first things out of his mouth. But in my heart of hearts, there was always a pause.
Our house was not and is not by any means gross. Most of you who read this blog live in a home you also love and you’re just trying to fall in love with it more. And my goal in even starting this blog was to help those of you who may stumble across this site get a few laughs in, but also use this as a tool and guide to help you fall in love with your own home.
The seemingly simple question Jordan asked me sent my mind into a tailspin and those three words, Living Letter Home, like a giant beam of light from a UFO staring me straight in the face. I panicked.
Changing a blog is hard. There are tons of things that have to go on in the background to make this successful. Changing a social media presence is hard when you’ve worked to gain the little amount of momentum you have. I’ve had skin in this blogging game for a long time, but consistently at Gross to Grandiose for over a year. I even wrote a post on how to start a blog and even though I didn’t mention it, changing your blog URL is usually a big no no.
I couldn’t shake this thought.
Our homes should tell a story. And that story is not our own, but is meant to point back to the One who gave us our story in the first place. I have a story. You have a story. The walls of this house have a story.
My goal in this change is to fully reflect my goal and vision for the future of this blog. Unless the Lord makes me lose all my fingers in some weird tragic accident, I plan on sticking this thing out and the reason is way more than just for me. It’s for YOU, but it’s also for Him.
You and me are the living letter. Hopefully our homes can also reflect that and be a living letter of the good the world needs so badly right now – Things like hospitality, friendship, healing, love, and compassion.
Right out of the gate, let me clear some questions you may have:
My blog URL and social media handles (Instagram and Pinterest). That’s IT.
Everything else. Basically the ONLY change you will see is that my blog will now be called Living Letter Home, with a new logo coming soon and my Instagram and Pinterest handles will be @livingletterhome. My content WILL NOT CHANGE. At all. I’m not going to turn into a lifestyle blogger. I’m not going to turn into a recipe queen. (Because if you know me, you’ll know my attempts at anything in the kitchen are about as bad as they can be. I can’t even read a recipe, much less write one)
Everything you’ve seen on this blog thus far will be the same in the future!
You’ll see the change coming to social media first. That’s the way easier thing. That change will take place at the beginning of December. I’m currently in the middle of a really fun Christmas blog hop with some friends, and want to finish that well before I shake the game up. The blog change will come most likely after the first of the year.
Why, that’s a forward question! JK. I’m so glad you asked! Because this is such a huge change, I’m actually going to be hosting my very first GIVEAWAY!!! Not just ONE, but TWO!! I’ll be doing one specifically for my blog and one on Instagram. You’ll definitely want to stay in touch on our email list so you’ll be one of the first ones to find out about our giveaways and how to enter.
That’s all for now, but cheers to us all hopefully telling a better story. And cheers to Sheldon who accurately describes me right how hitting “publish” on this post.
Be honest….What do you think? Am I crazy? I’d love to hear feedback!
Here’s how to get on that email list I was talking about:
Beautiful. Just beautiful! ❤️
I truly enjoyed reading this! Every time I think about changing the name of my blog it gives me anxiety. This definitely gives some encouragement to move forward with my idea of changing the name. Thanks for sharing, your blog is lovely btw!
Pam, I’m so glad to hear that! I fully support you and would love to help you out any way I can 🙂
Go for it! I think it will be even more fabulous than it already is because you really connect with it. I have actually been contemplating doing this myself. When I started my blog, I had NO idea what I wanted to do with it or where it would go. Since it has really settled into the home decor arena, though, I don’t feel like my name totally fits. I haven’t had the guts to dive into it, though. If I do, I may try to pick your brain about it. 🙂
I would LOVE nothing more than to help you ANY way I can!! Just let me know 🙂
I hope everything goes well with the change over! BTW, my house would fit your old name, not because anything someone had done to it. It was in a massive flood. We purchased it with gutted walls and such. And someday…. it may become grandiose. ????
Yeah girl I totally get that! It doesn’t have to be gross though!! That flood is in the story of your house so embrace it 🙂
I am super excited!!!! Love you and the cutest blog ever!!!
Love you!!! So much!
You are not crazy! I think your reasoning behind changing is solid! Follow where God leads! Sending you lots of love, prayers, and good vibes as you continue this journey!!
Thanks so much for the encouragement Jessica!!!