Amazon Prime Day Shopping Tips
If you’re tired of spending hundreds and jumping ALL OVER the place on Amazon Prime Day, here’s my favorite ways to get what you need, not spend tons of money, and not get overwhelmed by the amount of crap

Amazon Prime Day is a lot. Always.
For *some* creators, their goal is to shell out links left and right to try to make as much affiliate income as possible.
Ya girl, however, gets entirely too overwhelmed and with SO MUCH pressure making you feel like you have to have EVERYTHING, my goal is to provide you with short lists, reasonable items you can get for yourself (or gifts for others) and things that would make sense to buy.

I like sharing things we have, love, use, and that I think would make your life easier if you need it. (Like this trifold travel charger for your phone, AirPods and Apple Watch. LOVE IT. GAME CHANGER.)
But here are the best ways I’ve figured out if Amazon Prime deals are actually deals AND how to make sure you’re only getting what you need and what’s in your budget.
This post may contain affiliate links which help me pay for things like web hosting, site security, email services and bottles of wine from Aldi when the aforementioned things aren’t working. They cost nothing for you, but help me continue to provide free content to you fine, beautiful people!
Have a plan
This is most important.
If you go in blind, you’ll spend HOURS digging through lists of deals that you don’t even need or would never use.

Here’s what’s part of my Prime Day plan:
- Have a list of things either I or my family need, knowing that not all things will be on sale
- Have a budget of a max I can or will spend
- Look for items that I buy lots of and need to stock up on (headache-free wine wands, anyone?)
- Think of holidays coming up and things you’d need gifts for – Back to school? Christmas? New addition to the family? Wedding gifts? Getting a new house or apartment? Upcoming vacay?
Follow creators you trust
This is HUGE.
I promise you that if you follow a random Amazon creator who has a million followers on IG, they’re going to be shelling out links left and right.
This is a blessing and a curse. Blessing because you may find products that you missed in your own digging, but a curse because if it’s out of your budget or not something you need, you may get serious FOMO and nobody wants that.
Find creators you love, trust, and know wouldn’t steer you wrong and look alive when they post stories.
If you like fashion, find a fashion girlie to follow. If you like home crap, find a home girlie to follow. You get my drift.
Shameless plug: You can trust me, bb. Promise. Feel free to follow me on IG if you’d like.
Be Available
Unfortunately, you’ll have to be on your phone or at a computer more often these 2 days.

Now if you’re able to get a steal of a deal of something, it will be worth it, but you will have to be accessible to get the deal because the good stuff really does go quick.
Add Things To Your Watchlist
This is super important because this is how you’ll get notified on your phone.
Amazon will send you a push notification when your item is about to go on sale so that if you’re tending the garden or doing some random home DIY project or diving in the depths of a book or, you know, working your big person job, you know when to press pause on all the aforementioned things and hop to it, Leroy.
Install the Honey Chrome Extension
THIS IS MY SECRET HOT TIP! And why I’m always going to prefer a computer over a phone any day.
I have used this extension for YEARS and it’s come in handy more times than I can count.

Yes, I have a Tineco stick vacuum that I LOVE so much, but I’ve seen this wet/dry version everywhere and am SO intrigued and would consider buying this too depending on its price on Prime Day. I mean, look at those ratings!
But you see where that arrow is pointing? That’s what it looks like when you’re shopping on Amazon.

Now if you notice on the right side of my screen, here’s where there’s gold.

If you hover over that orange h, this is what would pop up. Price trends over the last 30 days!

Because that Tineco wet/dry vac had not changed price in a very long time, I clicked on a random pretty popular backpack diaper bag to give you this chart.
When you see those dips every few weeks, you know that’s one of the products that will most definitely be on sale again AND its price JUST increased which means the drop will look more significant come Prime Day.
Again, this tool seriously helps you NOT BE FOOLED.

Additionally, if you hover over the price, it will show you the actual cost. So now I’m going to have to watch this backpack and see if it’s actually cheaper than the $37 price on Prime Day.
Most Important Prime Day Shopping Tip
It will be on sale again.
I can not stress this enough. Give it a few weeks, a few months, or even if you have to wait until Prime Day the next year.
With mass consumerism, you might feel like you’re going to miss out on the best deal ever but can I tell you a secret?
These sales are LITERALLY DESIGNED to make you feel that way. Don’t fall for it.
I promise you. Nothing is worth going into massive credit card debt for. Nothing is worth being short on rent or your car loan because you had to get that Prime Day deal.