Back To School: Pre-K and Kindergarten Edition
All the cutest backpacks, shoes, clothes and school supplies ALL on a budget and all in time before your tax free weekend hits!

Back to School: Pre-K and Kindergarten Edition
This summer has flown by.
I mean, I’m sure it’s not because I have 3 kids or because we’re trying to finish a mountain cabin Airbnb or in the weeds planning a Disney trip for October or anything.
We also finally finished our modern kitchen renovation and you absolutely gotta check it out if you haven’t! Swoon.
Anyhoo, we decided to pull Josiah from his 4 day Mother’s Morning Out program and put him in a full time Montessori program for pre-K. Although it’s not what we did with Charlotte, as we all know kids learn differently and we are so hoping this will benefit him!
But it also means I’m now looking and planning for things he needs to be in “big boy school” as opposed to a little half day program.
Tax Free Weekend
The best time to get your school supplies and clothes (or electronics if your kids are older) is tax free weekend! You can visit this site here to see when tax free weekend is in your own state for this year.
Backpacks from Target
This post may contain affiliate links which help me pay for things like web hosting, site security, email services and bottles of wine from Aldi when the aforementioned things aren’t working. They cost nothing for you, but help me continue to provide free content to you fine, beautiful people!

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Backpacks from Walmart

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Backpacks from Pottery Barn Kids

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Clothes from Target

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Shoes from Target

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Pre-K/Kindergarten School Supplies

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There are so many things we have and LOVE on these lists, including that super cute glow in the dark dino backpack from PBK and those side zip boots from Target.
Now only to pray that Josiah uses those boots to walk himself into a good attitude into this school year. Oop!