Creating A Coffee Bar + Design Board
When you don’t have a big enough kitchen for a separate coffee bar, here’s some tips on creating your own coffee bar, including a design board for inspiration
I don’t even really like coffee. I know. I can see it in your faces. I just don’t. I will say, though, that I do drink it. Weird, right? Well, get used to it baby, that’s what you signed up for when you decided to read this blog.
What does that mean for us as a family though? 2 separate coffee makers. I like a Keurig since I don’t drink it nearly as often and my husband likes a full coffee pot because he drinks an entire pot every morning. (Any doctors out there reading this, I’d love for you to tell him how bad it is for him because I’ve tried to no avail, so be my guest.) In our kitchen right now, we’ve got a little of this situation going on:

I didn’t even tidy up this photo for you guys, aren’t I kind? Currently this is our sitch. My bright teal Keurig, Jordan’s coffee pot, and that little guy in the middle? A baby Keurig. AKA. a Baby Brezza and it’s what we use to make Josiah’s bottles.
Now, we just started the One Room Challenge coming up soon, so we have a lot of other things going on with planning and executing, BUT this is a super easy project that we can get done so we’re going to go for it.

Right now our coffee mugs are sitting over our coffee makers in this cabinet.

In our other cabinet we have things like our Instant Pot, Crockpot, and other random baking dishes. Our plan here is to swap everything on the right side and put it on the left and everything on the left side and put it on the right. Clear as mud? Let me give you a visual:

Hopefully that helps. If you’re following over on Instagram, I gave y’all a sneak peek a couple weeks back in my stories so you all know that the move of the cabinets has already been done. The other stuff on the counters though, not so much. I so badly want it to look less cluttered over here. We don’t have a ton of counter space as it is and I like things looking minimal as possible.
Coffee Bar Design Board

Elements For A Minimal Coffee Bar
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TIERED TRAY – It’s kind of a running joke that I literally don’t know how to style stuff. Shelves, tiered trays, myself, the whole nine. But we have one of these and I’m going to try to utilize it
VINTAGE CANISTERS – We actually already have some that I got from an antique store wayyyy back in the day that I love and right now they’re on another countertop, but I’m thinking of moving at least one or two over here to put stuff in. The ones I linked to for you are similar and they’re from Amazon.
KEURIG LATTE MAKER – Hear me out. I’m not getting another coffee maker. I want to sell the teal one and replace it with that latte maker. I may not drink coffee, but I love a fancy frothy drink and this will save us a ton of money in the long run as I see it not spending money on fancy frothy Starbucks. Especially since I eat keto and dairy free and most of their stuff is one or the other but not both *eye roll*
MUG HOOKS – I actually found these little guys scrolling online at Home Depot for SUPER cheap and they’re so cute! I don’t want this area to look too busy so I may end up nixing them, but I’m at least going to try.
K-CUP STORAGE – While K-cups are fun and convenient, they are not cute. Which means I want to organize them but have them hidden away. I’m thinking I may actually create some storage in a drawer so they’re completely hidden, but if not, this little wooden drawer I found on Amazon should work out quite nicely.
I may be totally crazy trying to implement this during our second round of the One Room Challenge, but this should be fairly simple so I’m fine with it. I mean, what’s living in a fixer upper if you don’t have a million projects going on at once, right?? Tell me I’m right.

get a keurig thingy that does both the singles and the whole pot. Boom one less machine on the counter! 🙂
haha already thought about it, but I’m being extra and want that capp maker lol