Funniest Cross Stitch Patterns

Tell all ya friends and neighbors!

Looking to funny up your new hobby? These hilarious cross stitch patterns will have you …. in stitches. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

This is one of those times that a blog post wrote itself.

I was texting one of my good friends who is in the process of buying a house and we were talking about something to add to her entryway to help personalize her home.

She found a cute sketched drawing on Etsy and I happened to mention in passing the idea of having a cross stitch pattern of her house done.

Little known fact. I have never done cross stitch, used a cross stitch pattern or really don’t even have a desire to learn, but I got on an Etsy rabbit hole and ended up in tears laughing at some of these and thought, “I just can’t keep them to myself.”

So, without further adieu, here are some real fun ways to add some funny wall art to your own home.

Most Hilarious Cross Stitch Patterns

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Now, all you people with sensitive minds/hearts/eyes/ears/bodies/booties, whatever look away.

This next set is for the grown folk.

I’m going to give this a disclaimer of these are not for everybody. They’re hilarious, but if cussing offends you, you will be offended. If it doesn’t, you’re gonna laugh really hard.


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I don’t know about you, but I literally laughed all the way through all of these and am strongly considering taking up this hobby just so I can have a way to have some of these funny cross stitch patterns in our house.

Remember, most of these are cross stitch kits so you will have to do them yourself, but I’m sure if you have a really hip granny or just a hipster friend, they would probably make them for you with bribes of burgers and/or beer.

Seriously, if any of you get these and do them, please tag me on Instagram at @livingletterhome. This is the kind of stuff I live for.

Here are over 30 of the funniest cross stitch patterns you can find on Etsy! Get ready to laugh out loud

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  1. Holy Crap! These are SO funny! Thanks a million for sharing them! I’m not a cross-stitcher, but there are some in my family… although I’m not sure which ones would appreciate all of the humor! LOL!

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