Laundry Room Tile Installation
Although not an expert, here you will find our laundry room tile installation and and what we have accomplished in week 4 in the Jeffrey Court Design Challenge
Please tell me I’m not the only one who has ever experienced biting off more than they can chew. I know we absolutely did that with our guest bathroom, but we were not afraid about accepting the challenge for this laundry room.
Until we realized that my husband has to be gone 3 out of the 6 weeks and he’s all the labor. So, that’s coo. Here I am just chillin’ over here freaking out about everything we have to get done in more like 3 weeks than 6. Tile installation is no joke and low key scares me.

Luckily, we were able to get some important “behind the scenes” things done before we started any tile installation up in here.

What the heck is this, I can hear you all asking? Well, it’s this little tool that you can use to help fish electrical wire through a hole in sheetrock. We cut holes for our new sconces that will be over our shelves and actually made a really unique (and dare I say smart) choice for how to have a second switch not on the wall for those lights! More on that in another post.

Ta da! Jordan installed the boxes for the sconces as well and then it was time to get to twerkin’ on that tile. The floor tiles went in super easy actually, but we did them at like 1:00 AM one night so I was too delirious to get out my camera, but I actually got to grout them and …. dare I say I ENJOYED doing it!

We chose light grout for the floors and dark for the walls. Now, these aren’t all shiny and ready to eat Fruit Loops off of yet, but they will be. Oh, and for clarity, I don’t force my children to eat off the floor. They just do. One in particular whose name rhymes with Schmosiah.

Then it was time for the wall tile installation. If you look closely, you can see a blue line going horizontal and vertical. Jordan measured and split the wall in 4 equal quadrants, starting from the middle so the tile would be centered on the wall. Pro tip we learned from doing this a time or two in our bathroom.

After installing the tile, you have to “set” it so that it is all flush and no pieces are wonky or further out than others. You can buy really expensive tools to do this but a piece of hardwood floor and rubber mallet work just as good when you don’t want to spend that kind of money.

A few more REALLY really late nights and here we are! We tiled down further on the left side since we will be adding our sink in there soon!

Can you see it?! I’m slowly starting to see this come together and I’m GEEKING. I never thought I would miss doing laundry. But I want to be careful saying that because I know I quickly will be eating those words since it’s piling up.
Lemme tell you, it’s all fun and games until a family member poops themselves and you have to hand wash it cuz you ain’t got no washer and dryer. Yowza.
Remember, we are now into voting and I know you love me but PROVE IT!!!! Head on over to the Jeffrey Court page to see all the other awesome designers and vote for your favorite, which I kinda hope is ya girl!