DIY K Cup Holder Storage Drawer
Check out this cheap and easy storage idea to organize your collection of K-cups and give yourself back the gift of counter space!

I know you guys probably think I forgot about the whole coffee bar thing since I’ve been busy as a bee working on other things like a new mailbox and a new kitchen table, but alas, I have not! Mainly because I didn’t really do much for the table or mailbox except take pictures of it as someone else was building it. Tee hee.
This isn’t a huge project, and truthfully not even a huge priority for us right now, but we’re doing it nonetheless because it’s cheap and easy and any chance I can to organize something small, I’m for it. I even wrote an entire guest post over at Juggling Act Mama on tips to organize your own home.
Anyhoo, the point here for me to help YOU create a great idea for a storage solution for your Keurig coffee pods without sacrificing counter space because you can make this… a cabinet drawer!
Supplies for K cup pod storage drawer
*Some affiliate links may be used.
- Lattice
- Contact paper of choice (I got this marble from Amazon for next to nothing!)
DIY K Cup Holder

Look, please don’t judge our junk drawer. Everyone has one and if you say you don’t, you a liar. Yes, it’s mostly appliance manuals and I don’t really even know why keep them.
When we need something, we just Google the manual online like every other human being. Yet, I still didn’t throw them away. I just relocated them.

Your next step after your drawer is empty is to measure your contact paper to fit in the drawer. This drawer was wider than the paper, so I made the executive decision to roll it out length wise instead of width wise. Meaning it didn’t go all the way back either which was fine for me because this drawer rarely if ever gets opened all the way.
The marble contact paper I chose was self adhesive which can be both a blessing and a curse because maybe it’s just me but I always have to fight with self adhesive.
I fought it with lining the drawers in Josiah’s nursery too and swore I would never do it again and yet, here I am. Telling you how to do this. And telling you how easy it is.
My hope is that it really is easy for you and I’m just a weirdo who can’t figure out the measurement/lining it up without gaps and bubbles thing.

If you look real closely, you can see that it doesn’t go all the way back to the backside of this kitchen cabinet drawer. I’m really okay with that. I promised y’all ain’t nothing perfect up in here and this drawer storage for your lil’ coffee maker pods is no exception.

Measure your lattice and cut to fit.

As far as spacing, most Keurig K cups are the same width, so you’ll want to space them about 2 inches apart. I actually used Trader Joe’s cups to measure here and they fit perfectly.
You can also see if you look in the lower part of this picture that we used a nail gun to hold them in place. No crazy drill bits or any other power tools needed!
For what it’s worth, you have no idea how hard it is for me not to type “lattice pray” or “lattice turn up the beat” but I’m going to practice self control. Wait. Crap. Oh well.

Finally, load the k cup storage drawer up with your favorite little baby coffee pods! Mine just happen to be the decaf ones from Trader Joes because they’re a great flavor and decent price.
There you have it folks! 30 minutes and under $5 and you too can have your own k cup holder drawer!
Now go pour your beautiful self a cup of coffee and pat yourself on the back for your cute DIY K cup organizing solution.