Girls’ Shared Closet Reveal
The secret to a kids closet is practicality in both design and function. See our girls’ shared closet that also serves as a nursery closet since we have a newborn and a 6 year old girl sharing a room!

Room Reveal:
Girls’ Shared Closet
Whyyyyy does everything with our girls’ room feel like it’s moving in slow motion?
I feel like this is a project that could have been done a month ago if we could have just gotten things in stock or …. I don’t know … weren’t also simultaneously flipping a house (WHICH IS OFFICIALLY SOLD NOW!) or something.
Anyhooo, we have a closet at least! Let’s take a gander.
Shared Kids’ Closet
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Let’s get something straight.
If you search kids closet or try to find a baby closet on Pinterest, you’re going to find a ton of super cute rooms.
Clear storage bins to see all the things inside, 3 hangers with clothes on them, everything looking perfect in the drawers.
If you’re looking for that, you ain’t gonna find it here.

I had 3 main goals for this closet – functionality, storage and practicality.

With that being said, there are definitely some cute aspects of this room. Like this 2 tiered woven tray to house all the girls’ headbands and bows.

Since we have this bump out in their closet that we couldn’t do anything about because it’s an air return vent, we had to make do with what we had which is why I chose to house this little guy here instead of doing some sort of wall organizer for the girls’ hair accessories.
Work with whatcha got, people. Especially on a budget and we weren’t trying to break the bank in here.

We made a lot of pivots in this kids’ closet design.
We actually had drawn up plans to create corner shelves on the opposite side of this beside our staked IKEA Rast dressers, but the space was SO small (much like our primary closet ????) that we had to pivot to, again, working with what we had and using stackable baskets for her shoe storage.

Now I’m not even gonna fool myself and pretend like I think this will end up staying like this for more than 15 seconds.
Let’s be real – since these photographs have been taken, this no longer looks like this.

I did my best to try to organize these by shoe “types” – sandals, “nicer” shoes, tennis shoes, and slip ons.
I really love these blush stackable bins that we found at Container Store, but for whatever reason I’m only seeing them in white, black, or gray online. They match perfectly with the IKEA Rast dressers that we made over on the other side of the closet that are painted Meet Cute from Clare Paint.

Luckily this is about all the shoes little lady baby has at the moment and these don’t even fit her. When we need to add more, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes.

On this side of the closet, we have my new addition to our favorite DIY projects we’ve done so far – this stacked IKEA Rast hack!

In this corner you can see the intersection of a kid’s closet and nursery closet.
Since Collins’ baby clothes are shorter for the time being, I put her clothes over here to hang on top of the Rast dresser.
I would to have loved to have a closet system like we used in our primary closet makeover but like I have previously stated, these closets in our house just aren’t huge.
Here again, it’s all about working with whatcha got.
I’m just here to say that our shared girls’ room is SO CLOSE to being done and the reveal will be coming soon! EEK!