Guest Bathroom Makeover Reveal
A guest bathroom makeover reveal that includes before and after photos, budget DIY projects and stunning modern design

Guest Bathroom Makeover Reveal
Ummmmm, I can’t believe I’m about to type these words. OUR FRIGGIN GUEST BATHROOM IS DONEZO! DONE! FIN! FINITO! IT IS FINISHED! Y’all I can’t even believe it. We thought we were big timing last APRIL when we started this One Room Challenge and decided to gut this bad boy to the studs.
In case you missed any of our weekly posts on this before I gave up posting weekly because I was about to leave a Carmen shaped hole in the front of our house, click any of the links below:
- Guest Bathroom Mood Board and Demo Day
- Plumbing, Electrical, and Other Unsexy Things
- How We Scored A FIVE DOLLAR Tub
- Creating a Bathroom Niche & Inset Wall Shelf
- You Spent An Entire Week On That?
- You Almost Saw That Carmen Shaped Hole
11 MONTHS LATER HERE WE ARE! Technically it’s been “mostly finished” since right before Christmas which would make it around nine months, but we just had to put a few finishing touches on it. So, because I know you’re all squirming, I’m going to hush my mouth (fingers?) and let you just scroll through the photos for a minute!
I will say that I am SO MAD at myself for not getting us a portable bathtub, though. Having one bathroom in the midst of not only having a toddler but adopting a newborn has about put me over the edge, but NO MIND BECAUSE WE ARE DONE NOW!
Okay, wait one more thing. Let’s just show some more before/during pictures so that you can FULLY appreciate where we have come from:

Then we sat in this state for MONTHS:

Don’t fret. I’m doing in an entire separate post to talk about our total budget and sources for everything, but for now, I’m just trying to let you bask in the glory for a moment.
Okay, I’ll stop teasing you. The reason you came was a guest bathroom makeover reveal, right? Well, HERE IS WHERE WE ARE TODAY!!!

This is just a regular hollow core door and my husband cut the top out of it and we had a piece of glass cut to fit in here.

We hacked this Ikea Bekvam step stool for our daughter to be able to reach the sinks to wash her own hands.

Also, if you were praying with me that my husband would let me have some fun in this bathroom and put up a funny bathroom sign, the prayers have been answered! I love the one we chose and it makes me giggle a little every time I see it.

Speaking of poop jokes, I typically don’t show photos with a toilet lid up (cuz #gross) I just had to show you this lid we got. It’s called a TinyHiney and it’s got your child’s seat BUILT INTO IT. It’s friggin’ genius. And the name is also hilarious.

That’s all for now! If you need me, I’ll be sitting fully clothed in our $5 tub as my “office” today.
What do you think?!?! Was the 6-week-turned-9-months-of-work worth it??? Don’t forget: I’m doing an entire separate post to talk about our budget and sources so make sure you’re on our mailing list so you don’t miss that (you can sign up right here) and make sure you’re following along on Instagram, because I’m showing a lot of behind the scenes real life versions of this space too!
If this space inspired you make sure you pin this for later:

UPDATE: To see full source list and cost breakdown in this bathroom, click here!

Hi There, I was wondering if you could tell me what the black trim is around your shower niche. Thanks!
Hi! It’s called a schluter strip! Pretty standard to put on the edge of tile to make it feel “finished”. It’s also on the side of our tile you can see in the photos too. Hope that helps!
Best ever ideas…!!!
Can you tell me where you got your vanity light from?
Yes, it’s from Amazon. I gave all my sources in a separate post here: I hope that helps!
Carmen, I have messaged you twice about a wire basket picture in you bathroom makeover. I would like to know the measurements and where I could buy the basket. Please respond.
Did you get my message from yesterday? I was asking about the black wire basket that is featured in a couple of the pic from your bathroom makeover. I can’t find one to purchase. Wondering if you know where I could purchase one.
Yes I did and I replied but I can’t seem to find where it is! We got it at TJ Maxx and so big fat bummer I don’t know where else you could get it. I did see one about a month ago at another TJ Maxx so I have hope they still exist. I’m sorry and hope that helps!!!
Hi Carmen, sorry I just saw one response from you. Thank you. Do you happen to know the measurements of the black wire basket in your bathroom makeover. The picture shows at least 10 rolls of toilet paper in the basket. I can’t seem to find one that big. I am going to keep looking. But if you do have the measurements I would like it. Thank you.
No worries, Jennifer! Comments get buried sometimes:) So, that basket actually came in three different sizes and I went with the middle size and it’s about 2′ wide by 2′ tall. That’s just a rough estimate, but it will also depend on your space as well!
Congrats! The bathroom looks beautiful!
aw, thanks so much Lauren!!!
Your makeover is just lovely, Carmen! The colors are wonderful and the accessories are perfect! Thank you for sharing at Homestyle Gathering! We hope to see you each week!
As always, super grateful for you guys and super grateful for the feature this week! 🙂
Oh guys, I’m blushing! THANK YOU so much for featuring our bathroom!!! Eek! 🙂
Oh my gosh thank you SO MUCH for featuring me!!! It means so much 🙂
Hi Carmen! I love your bathroom makeover! It really turned out nice. I especially like your door. And that sign – it made me giggle too. Thanks so much for joining us and linking up at Homestyle Gathering!
aw thanks so much Kim! Thank you guys so much for hosting the link party for us! 🙂
You did a fabulous job! I would be so happy every time I walked in there. I went back and read your ORC posts but didn’t see a lot about the vanity. Will you be giving more details about how it came together? I love all of your hardware! How is it holding up?
Hey Kim! First of all THANK YOU!! Secondly, the vanity is literally 3 Ikea base cabinets put together like you would put them together if they were in a kitchen! We did nothing special with them 🙂 Hardware is great and even though it’s been on there a few months, there is no sign of them messing up. They’re not spray painted or anything and are solid metal from Home Depot, so I would hope they’ll stay in tact a LONG time!! Does that help?? Let me know if you have more questions!
Visiting from the Inspire Me Monday party but I’ve been seeing your bathroom featured EVERYWHERE! We’re about to embark on a bathroom makeover this year and I’ve pinned yours for inspiration. LOVE it!
OH, Marie THANK YOU!! That means so much. Let me tell you this was a serious labor of love but I can say I’m super glad it inspired you and can’t wait to see yours as you work through it!
I love this makeover!! So much talent!!
you’re SO kind to say that! thank you!
Swoon! I am obsessed!!
eek! Thank youuu! love you! 🙂
Is really good
aw thanks!