Organized Cleaning Closet Makeover Reveal
Taking a messy closet and showing you our super budget friendly organized cleaning closet makeover, including DIY shelves, fabric wallpaper hack and how we organized this small space to make it functional and practical

This has been a long time coming, but sometimes there’s a pandemic and the entire world is in shambles so projects get put on hold. Like this one.
We decided at the beginning of the year that we would have our messy closet next to our gorgeous pantry and across from that show stopping laundry room on our list of to dos because quite frankly, it just was too ugly to hang out with the rest of that general area.

See what I mean? EEK! Not. Cute. Someone call the law. We got us a rogue closet space up in here.
We first cleaned everything out of here and had a blank slate.

We ain’t got much real estate to work with here, but we wanted to make this a functional, organized closet. But first and foremost, I wanted her cute. We did skinnylap in our pantry and I thought of just doing that in here, but I liked the idea of having wallpaper.
I’m not sure if any of you fools ever priced wallpaper, but she high. I wanted wallpaper in our office and love it, but it was so expensive.

So y’all know exactly what I did – figured out a way to make our own DIY fabric wallpaper!

Hollerrrr! She is everything I wanted! But then we can’t have an organized cleaning closet without some shelves for storage space. So, what did we do? I bet you’ll never guess.

Yup. Made some shelves ourselves! More like made them ourSHELVES, amirite?! Our own little closet system, complete with upper shelves and a lower little split thingie (<—super technical term) to house our vacuum (more on that later).

Life then got nutso where you couldn’t (and still can’t) find any Lysol or hand sanitizer, but yet everything needed to be cleaned in your house, so I did some research and with a lil’ bit of science and whole lotta recommendations from the CDC, I made some homemade cleaners, including 2 types of disinfectant sprays!

PS. You also get these super cute Rose Apothecary-esque labels for free that I whipped up and shared with you guys!
Do you want to know what the most ridiculous part of why this thing too so long for us to complete?
I could not for the life of me choose freaking baskets that I wanted.
I searched high and low, left and right, east and west, the black market, the dark web, my butt, everything. I even made a whole list of ones that I really, really liked. And yet, none were the ones I wanted.
We even attempted a failed DIY project of making our own baskets because we were trying to create some knockoffs from West Elm, and when that didn’t work, I was back to square one again.
But, alas. We finally found some and thus completed our “professional organizer”, Marie Kondo lookin’ organized cleaning closet.

Sooo, about 35 seconds after I posted these photos I realized that I could turn that purple mop hanging on the door the other way and it wouldn’t sit out like that, but whatever. You get the point.
In case you didn’t know, let me bless you one time and tell you about these Command broom and mop holders.
You pop them out like you see in the middle picture and then you just press your mop or broom handle into them and bam. Instant way to get them off your floor. I love them! (This isn’t sponsored by them, by the way; I just really love this thing!)

This is also one of those rooms that is physically impossible to get a full straight on shot because directly behind me is the laundry room and so there’s a big ol’ wall there.
The top shelf is actually half the width of the rest. We did this so that we could utilize as much wall space height as we could, but still be able to use it. I wanted to be able to store our reusable shopping bags in there and our cooler that we use for pool days which I so much am hoping we get this year.

The next shelf down is where we are storing all our paper towels and toilet paper. Or as we have been calling it lately, white gold. Which is also what southerners call ranch dressing too.

The bottom shelf houses our black storage baskets (which we finally pulled the trigger and got when they were on sale). This is full of cleaning supplies that I can’t make myself like furniture polish, Lysol spray, and Pine Sol which I mix with water to wipe our farmhouse dining table down with.

On the other side of this shelf is a basket full of chalk and bubbles. The blue things you see to the left are chalk stencils. I know this is a cleaning closet, but this is also right next to our side door which is the door we use 99.9% of the time. I really wanted this easily accessible for when we all go outside and have a big art party.

After muuuUuuUuch debate, we ditched our big boy Dyson and decided to go with a cordless stick vacuum. Mainly because we got brand new hardwood floors all throughout our house except the kitchen and living room which will be getting them eventually when we demo the kitchen for a new one and finish taking down a couple walls up in here.
The shop vac could technically go somewhere else, but I figured why the heck not since we use it so much because of a constant state of reno up in here.

We added that little shelf above the shop vac that I can put the duster and the dust pan on. If we ever move the shop vac to a different locale, I’ll just add another shelf up in here.

It’s not perfect but we have come a LONG way from this! HELLUR! Baby steps!
Some affiliate links may be used for your convenience. With no additional cost to you, affiliate links allow me to pay for things like web hosting, site security, email service, and bottles of wine from Aldi when any of the aforementioned things aren’t working for me.
- DIY wallpaper
- DIY wood shelves
- Homemade cleaners (with free printable labels)
- How to patch a hole in drywall
- Wallpaper
- Black storage baskets
- Toilet paper roll basket (ours is from Home Goods, this one is similar)
- Cordless stick vacuum

I LOVE the command mop and broom holder! Getting today!!
awesome yay!
Your closet looks amazing! Love the wallpaper. My 2 linen closets are on my list of reorganizing this weekend, I think I may need to order some wallpaper and give them some pizzaz!!
Go for it!!
Your closet is all fancy now with your wallpaper. I may just steal your closet idea because I have 3 rolls of white gold I need to store. 🙂
Steal away, my friend! It’s why I’m here!
Your closet looks fantastic!! I love your wallpaper choice, it’s a great print!
Thanks, Sarah! You’re so sweet!
Wow what an awesome transformation, very inspiring. Hopefully I can pull something similar off in my house!!
Thanks for the motivation and ideas
I’m so glad it was helpful!! 🙂 You are the MOST welcome!
You’re a trooper Carmen…take care!
aw thanks so much!